Applications to download
This application helps to record the time taken, distance as well as a provides a summary of the trip.
It is available both on the Apple App store as well as Google Play store.

This application helps to inform the users on biodiversity sightings around the vicinity that they are exploring.
It is easy to use and ties in with Marsiling Secondary School’s Applied Learning Programme (ALP) of Eco-Sustainability.

Instagram At the end of each trip, the group is to share a group reflection. They can then post a group picture at the iconic landmark of the particular park together with a screenshot of their Runkeeper app. What have you learnt about yourself after this expedition (Values, Challenges) What have you learnt about this particular place (Nature, history, biodiversity) |
1. #MarsilingSecI-learnDiscoveryChallenge
2. #nparks
3. #nparksbuzz